Um I don't even know how to comment on this picture other than the fact that every time I look at it I laugh out loud! It so fit all three of them :0)
I love this picture of the boys esp Dad with his Bible
So I have gone a little crazy with projects... my backroom has really needed some serious attention(really since we moved in over 2 years ago!) Well I got motavited and went crazy!!! I wanted to turn this room into my scrapbooking room which really was just a wish and happened only in my dreams but I mentioned it to Bry and he was all for it!!! So the process began. The room went from super messy to super clean back to super messy then finally to SCRAPBOOK ROOM!!! I had to move furniture and get rid of furniture which was a pain in my butt to say the least. Finding the just right table was an adventure in itself! Steph and I spend so much time in Little Rock and a few weeks ago we were shopping and stop in Pier one. Well we saw this awesome table that would be perfect for both me and Colby but it was 500 bucks. I wasn't paying that for a table. Steph got to the front of the store and I hear my name. She found one at the front that had a cracked corner (not a big deal and you could hardly see it) She bought it for 150. She saw it first. Well we headed back this Friday to hang out and do whatever we felt like. I had to take back my director's chair I had bought from pier one for my classroom (it was messed up) As we walked up to the store guess what that same table that steph had bought and Colby just loved was sitting there marked down to 150 well guess what I bought it!!! Only one slight problem I was driving the Caddie. So whatever it just gave us a good excuse for heading back on Saturday!!! Well got home around midnight so Bry helped me get into the house. So there sits this huge table in the middle of my living room. On Sunday Bry helps me get it into my room and I spent a couple of hours getting everything in its hole and where I think I want it. It felt like the beginning of school. I moved things all around the stupid room. Anyhoos got it finished and already used it!! Some of you asked to see pics so here are a few that Bry took tonight!