Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Question to ponder

This questions has been being discussed at great length at school for many different reasons and for many people and I am wondering what others takes on it are. The question is as follows: "What do you do when you realize that the person whom you love the most in this world and share a life with wants something completely different than you want and know matter who gives in someone is still losing?

Friday, November 16, 2007

A book Found in our Library

So here comes Steph down the hall to my room which is normal behavior grinning from ear to ear which is also normal. She hands me this boo

and tells me I have to read this page and hands it over.First of all the picture at the top of the page is a man on top of a women in bed covered up with blankets kissing with hearts coming up(def naked) with the moon light in the background well I just laugh out loud she is like no no Jenny read it. So here I go reading out loud with other people in the room. " Mom says that when a man and a women love each other so much that they want to make a baby, they lie really close to each other and hug and kiss. All this hugging and kissing feels nice. It makes the man and women want to get even closer to each other. The man puts his penis between the woman's legs and inside her vagina. After a while, a white liquid shoots out of the man's penis and into the women's vagina. The liquid is full of millions of sperm. They swim up the women's vagina, through her uterus, and into one of her fallopian tubes. If a sperm and egg join together, nine months later, a new baby will be born! " I was def. rolling and so where someothers but there were a few that were just like holy poop and couldn't believe it. The books goes through each month and explains it the whole process. Needless this book provided some free entertainment for about 20 minutes!!! Just thought I would share.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Busy Week

I have to say that sometimes I think I have the best husband in the world... I could have never made it this far this week without him. Let me give you an example. On Monday our meeting went over and so I called Bry(who was out of school) and asked if he could go get both girls from school. I came home and he was already feeding Malley Jayne who was finishing right as I walked in the door which was perfect because we changed into her costume and headed out for her dress rehearsal as we were walking out the door he was starting to feed Mia Grace dinner. When I got back from dropping off Jayners Bry and LouLou were sitting on the couch reading a book. She had already had dinner and was in her PJ's , Bry had given her her bath already. I quickly jumped in the shower and while in the shower Mason and Ava came over and when I was finished I came out to find three kidos gathered at Bry's feet and he was reading a book. It was cute. I so love you Baby, Thanks for your help!!! Yesterday was a blur and I am afraid the rest of the week will be the same. I am def. looking forward to the weekend as well as Bryan. Step and I are going to be getting into trouble I am almost positive of that:0) and duck season opens Saturday morning so the boys are getting ready. I really can't wait for next week. Only two days of school and the best part is Holly and the kids are coming for the week!!!!! I think Mandy might be coming also. Holly and I will be scrapping it up and on "black friday" we will be shopping it up while B-rye keeps the kids. Hope all is going well for everyone and that everyone starts to enjoy the holidays and time with the ones we love most in this world!

Friday, October 26, 2007


Let me start out by saying this has been one crazy week. On Monday I had 4 children go home with lice and some already at home with it. Yea I know lovely right? But hey yea for me I have somehow managed to miss the lice train again. (I have never had it in my entire life). Anyways that afternoon I have to get some stuff done so I stayed after school. It was crazy so I am in our closet at school digging through our milk crate when a mouse comes out onto my hand, yes that is correct I did say on my hand. It then ran across my other hand needless to say I totally acted like a girl I flipped out screaming and shaking my hands. I was freaked out!!!! It CRAWLED on me. By this time it was well after school so there were only a few people left in the building however the ones that were left came out and we all just starring at me till I could tell them what happened and Sarah and Mira where just laughing. So after I was done freaking out I then too started laughing at the whole thing. So Sarah is being a fantastic help and grading papers for me when she looks up and says "um Jenny... this answer would be wrong right?" I looked at the map test paper and realized what she was talking about. This child had written . "This map is a f***ed map!" I was like what???? So I call Mira over to check this out and I had a bag of cookies on my table that I had been eating (only a few, thank goodness) and I got one out to eat and I noticed that it had a little black spot on it so I hand it to Mira grossed out and they both laughed that it had mouse poop on it. That was then my clue to go home. The next day we saw him again so we named him Nibblers. Well this morning he decided to curl up in a rug in my classroom and a child went to the sink (where the rug is) and stepped on the rug and squished and said "Mrs. Mc the rug is squishie" I was like its alright, not thinking anything about Nibblers. Well not two minutes later did another student say "Mrs. Mc there is a rat back here" I am thinking great. I walk over to where he is and there is Nibblers squished to death. My class was ummmmmm not sure there is a word to describe their reactions. So rest in peace you stupid mouse.

The week has just been crazy like that. I haven't even made it home before 7 and as late as 10 this week. Bailey is suffering the worse. Bry has induction week stuff so he is out every night and I have been late a school and parent teacher conferences which is a story in itself and we are having a gospel meeting this week at church that last till Sunday night so. Tonight I am going out with Steph so that will be fun times.
My parent teacher conferences went well with the exception of one parent. This parent is younger than me and he wanted me to explain to him why 5+4=9, 4+5=9, 9-4=5, and 9-5=4. So I did then he wanted to know why I was teaching that to a second grader. That he was in a dummy math class so doesn't remember learning that. Then after explaining that he went on to tell me that he ask 4 12th graders to do that math and they couldn't. I was like they couldn't do addition and subtration??? He was like well they said they are just learning it this year. I was like addition and subtraction???? So then he moved on to why I was teaching social studies to second graders and that I should make them be able to identify and label the 7 continents and 4 oceans. I was like it is a framework mandiated by the state that says a second grader will be able to do this. He was like that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard by this time is is getting loud and I am pretty much dumbfounded and Mira scoots over and says the same thing I have said and he is not liking the answer still so he gets up and is like school is stupid.Um I was like whoa weridO!!!! We all got a huge laugh out it. Some entertainment for the evening. Our parent teacher conferences are in our cafe so everyone heard. It was def funny.

Anyhoos I've rambled on and on so have a good one everyone. :0)

Friday, October 12, 2007

I can take the rain on the roof of this empty house

That don’t bother me

I can take a few tears now and then and just let them out

I’m not afraid to cry every once in a while

Even though going on with you gone still upsets me

There are days every now and again I pretend I’m ok

But that’s not what gets me

What hurts the most

Was being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away

And never knowing

What could have been

And not seeing that loving you

Is what I was tryin’ to do

It’s hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go

But I’m doin’ It

It’s hard to force that smile when I see our old friends and I’m alone

Still Harder

Getting up, getting dressed, livin’ with this regret

But I know if I could do it over

I would trade give away all the words that I saved in my heart

That I left unspoken

What hurts the most

Is being so close

And having so much to say

And watching you walk away

And never knowing

What could have been

And not seeing that loving you

Is what I was trying to do

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Requested Ramblings

Okay okay so I give in... I have had a couple people send me messages saying that I need to update however I figured no one read this thing since there are no comments but apparently I am wrong. So here goes some rambling.

Life has been fairly busy. School has been going very smoothly this year. It is amazing how much I am enjoying it. Dont get me wrong there are some days when I think I am going to have to go to the crazy house but at the same time I can't imgaine doing any other job(other than a housewife and mother). Here is a crazy day for you... a kid that gets mad at himself or anyone else and throws his desk across the room, a child who is sitting next to me reading and scratching like crazy then all of the sudden a flea jumps off of him!!!, a child who gets upset because someone finishes first so they get up and hit them in the back of the head as hard as they can, a child who is sharing arrowheads that they found and when you ask where did you find them they tell you "daddy found them while dumpster diving" um GROSS!!!!, a child that informs you that it "would be really funny if your skirts falls off and we could all see your underwear", someone wants the bean bag seat that someone else has thier head on so you walk over and just rip it out from them causing thier head to hit the concrete floor super hard, crying, crying, crying, and more crying from a child, this could go on and on for ever but no need. Some would make you want the crazy house others its all you can do not to laugh in front of them:0) Enough about school.

Life outside of school is also going well. Bryan and I have never been this close nor have we ever gotten along this well! He thinks its because we hit the 5 year mark this summer but I think we have really come to appreicate what we have and we are both really glad to have each other. :0) I know barf right! The girls have been so enjoyable lately. I love them so very much and want my own badly but there is def. a difference of opinion on that so you knows how that will all turn out. Mia Grace spent the night with us the other night and then spent the whole day with me. She is stinkin funny! She wanted to help do everything, make the bed, dishes, put clothes away, hang up B-yre's ties, which when I lifted her up to do so she hung one up and knocked like 50 down and said with eyes wide" Opps my Jenny I help pick up I didnt mean to do it" Melt of the heart so I laughed and we picked them all up together! She is so funny. She loves to talk about everyone. She is always want to know about "My Casey, My Kayla, and My Josh(sometimes Joshie). She is a rotten mess who is that way becasue she is spoiled. In her big girl panties we are doing fantastic however still not 100% on the "everybody poops" but her!!! lol.

Andy and Erin were here this week and I was so glad to see them. It was really nice to have more family here. I so love them both!!! We have some good time together.

I have been fighting off some new changes in my health so that has been a bit of a downer and some learning of some lesson but hey that's life right?

This past friday I didn't come home till about 5:45 in the morning and get this I came home to an empty house all by myself!!!!! Claps for Jenny the big fat chicken:0) I only got to sleep in till about 1 becasue my phone kept ringing(which is my own dumb fault, I should have turned it off) and have had late nights ever since so that is not helping my situation with my health at all. opps.

Well I am about done rambling about nothing so if you are still reading this sorry there was nothing important!

Love you all!!!!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

This is just for you.... HI RONDA!!!!!!!! :0)

Monday, September 17, 2007

I survived... like I wouldnt but still

I had to be video taped this morning in class during my literacy block which is like from 8-12 so that it can be used for a training video. YUCK. Who wants to watch me all day , I know right??? Anyhoos I dont normally care there always seems to be people in my classroom but since I've been sick and all I really just didnt want to do it esp. since I had gotten sick twice already this morning before I even made it to school. However I got to school and I havent been sick yet, (yeah for sonic sweet tea) not that actaully has kept me from being sick. Video taping went fine and my kids where the best they have ever been. Claps for them!!!! My class is growing on me everyday. They are starting to become my kids:0) Hope everyone is having a great day!!!

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Someones Nenny and Lenny

I will always be someones Nenny and someones Lenny(Thank goodness). I thought about that because of a conversation with a good friend and a song that I really like the lyrics to. It is called "Find out who you friends are"
Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere
Or get yourself in a bind lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare
This is where the rubber meets the road
This is where the cream is gonna rise
This is what you really didn't know
This is where the truth don't lie

{Chorus} You find out who your friends are
Somebody's gonna drop everything
Run out and crank up their car Hit the gas, get there fast
Never stop to think 'what's in it for me?' or 'it's way too far'
They just show on up with their big old heart
You find out who your friends are
Everybody wants to slap your back
wants to shake your hand when you're up on top of that mountain
But let one of those rocks give way
then you slide back down look up and see who's around
then This ain't where the road comes to an end
This ain't where the bandwagon stops
This is just one of those times when A lot of folks jump off

When the water's high
When the weather's not so fair
When the well runs dry
Who's gonna be there?

You find out who your friends are (yeah, yeah)
You find out who your friends are
Run your car off the side of the road
Get stuck in a ditch way out in the middle of nowhere (Well man, I've been there)
Or get yourself in a bind lose the shirt off your back
Need a floor, need a couch, need a bus fare (Man, I've been there)
Man, I've been there Oooh yeah.

Just Sharing... Love to you all.