Thursday, October 4, 2007

Requested Ramblings

Okay okay so I give in... I have had a couple people send me messages saying that I need to update however I figured no one read this thing since there are no comments but apparently I am wrong. So here goes some rambling.

Life has been fairly busy. School has been going very smoothly this year. It is amazing how much I am enjoying it. Dont get me wrong there are some days when I think I am going to have to go to the crazy house but at the same time I can't imgaine doing any other job(other than a housewife and mother). Here is a crazy day for you... a kid that gets mad at himself or anyone else and throws his desk across the room, a child who is sitting next to me reading and scratching like crazy then all of the sudden a flea jumps off of him!!!, a child who gets upset because someone finishes first so they get up and hit them in the back of the head as hard as they can, a child who is sharing arrowheads that they found and when you ask where did you find them they tell you "daddy found them while dumpster diving" um GROSS!!!!, a child that informs you that it "would be really funny if your skirts falls off and we could all see your underwear", someone wants the bean bag seat that someone else has thier head on so you walk over and just rip it out from them causing thier head to hit the concrete floor super hard, crying, crying, crying, and more crying from a child, this could go on and on for ever but no need. Some would make you want the crazy house others its all you can do not to laugh in front of them:0) Enough about school.

Life outside of school is also going well. Bryan and I have never been this close nor have we ever gotten along this well! He thinks its because we hit the 5 year mark this summer but I think we have really come to appreicate what we have and we are both really glad to have each other. :0) I know barf right! The girls have been so enjoyable lately. I love them so very much and want my own badly but there is def. a difference of opinion on that so you knows how that will all turn out. Mia Grace spent the night with us the other night and then spent the whole day with me. She is stinkin funny! She wanted to help do everything, make the bed, dishes, put clothes away, hang up B-yre's ties, which when I lifted her up to do so she hung one up and knocked like 50 down and said with eyes wide" Opps my Jenny I help pick up I didnt mean to do it" Melt of the heart so I laughed and we picked them all up together! She is so funny. She loves to talk about everyone. She is always want to know about "My Casey, My Kayla, and My Josh(sometimes Joshie). She is a rotten mess who is that way becasue she is spoiled. In her big girl panties we are doing fantastic however still not 100% on the "everybody poops" but her!!! lol.

Andy and Erin were here this week and I was so glad to see them. It was really nice to have more family here. I so love them both!!! We have some good time together.

I have been fighting off some new changes in my health so that has been a bit of a downer and some learning of some lesson but hey that's life right?

This past friday I didn't come home till about 5:45 in the morning and get this I came home to an empty house all by myself!!!!! Claps for Jenny the big fat chicken:0) I only got to sleep in till about 1 becasue my phone kept ringing(which is my own dumb fault, I should have turned it off) and have had late nights ever since so that is not helping my situation with my health at all. opps.

Well I am about done rambling about nothing so if you are still reading this sorry there was nothing important!

Love you all!!!!!!

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